Join Our Scentwork and Scent Sports Community

Make new friends, discover events, 
find a trainer, have fun, learn from others.

It’s all here in your community.


Signing up is easy!

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All ScentWork, all the time

Have fun chatting with others who share your love of Scent Sports—
all in an online community free of other distractions

Free Introductory Scentwork Course with Membership

A gif of a trainer and a dog

You Learn
with Others

You'll be a part of our scentwork groups and can share your thoughts with other members and ask them questions.


Meet new people with 

common interests. Scentwork 
and community go 
hand-in-hand online, too.

Your Videos

Make your own informative videos
to share your method for doing
something. Then share the
videos with your group.